
JHETHIA Where Fafda Meets Code

Jhethia is a fun programming language modeled in Java, spiced up with the hilarious antics of Jhethalal. Its syntax somewhat mixes Rust and Python, promising a coding experience full of laughs and fun! Jhethia allows users to perform a wide range of basic operations typical of any programming language, all while injecting a dose of fun into the process. Jai Jinendra!


Prakarsh Srivastava

A 2023 graduate, dedicated full stack developer with a drive for building and innovating !

Creating something from scratch allows me to deepen my understanding of programming concepts and unleash my zaney mind in a unique way.

What is the first thing you learn when starting with coding? A Programming Language! So i figured no better novel idea than to build one my own. It was a thoroughly enriching and learning experience : from building my own lexers,parsers and basically a grammar of my own.

🙏🏻 Jai Jinendra 🙏🏻

See Portfolio

Syntax Of Jhethia

The syntax of Jhethia is a mix of Rust and Python. The tokens are mostly defined in hindi and in certain cases dialogues are taken verbatim out of the show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.

<variable_name> = <expression>

For eg:
full_name = "Krishnan Iyer"
age = 42
weight = 64.78
is_scientist = sahi_baat_hai

Basic Constructions

Plain Variable Declarations

A variable is a named storage that programs can manipulate. Simply put, a variable helps programs to store values.

Variables in Jhethia can be of Numerical, Text or Logical data-type.
The data-type isnt explictly mentioned while declaration.

kaam <function name>
  #class content#

kaam <function name> [x , y ]
  #class content#
  bhejo <expression>

For eg:
kaam Sum [x , y ]
  bhejo x + y

Basic Constructions

Function Declarations

A function in Java is a block of code that performs a specific task, often reusable and callable with parameters.
Jhehtia declares a function using keyword "kaam" and the arguments are passed via [] brackets.
The values are returned with "bhejo" keyword.

lijiye_baapuji <variable_name>

For eg:
lijiye_baapuji first_name
lijiye_baapuji age
lijiye_baapuji plays_football

Basic Input/Output Statements

Input From Console(User)

Jhethia accepts user input via "lijiye_baapuji" statements. The values are stored in their respective variables. The data types which can be input are Numerical,Text or Logical.
If there's a conflict in input data and the expected data-type an exception is immediately raised.

dekhiye_baapuji <expression>

For eg:
dekhiye_baapuji "Chai Piyo, Biscuit Khao!"
dekhiye_baapuji 456 + 789
dekhiye_baapuji 40 > 20

Basic Input/Output Statements

Output To Console

Printing not only is essential in displaying values but also plays a major role in debugging. Jhethia has a fun "dekhiye-baapuji" statement to display values.

Just like any other print statement, Jhethia allows concatantion and solves straight forward conditional expressions to display.

agar <condition>
yatoh <condition>

For eg:
agar baapuji ka age < 20
  dekhiye_baapuji "Age is lesser than 24."
yatoh age < 50
  dekhiye_baapuji "Age is lesser than 50."
  dekhiye_baapuji "Age is greater than 50."

Basic Condtions

If-ElseIf-Then Constructs

If/Else evaluates a condition, and enables branching in the program's logic, allowing different paths to be taken based on different conditions. Our Jhehtia uses "agar-yatoh-warna" statements to evaluate conditions.
The "ka" is used to read struct's argument value.The "khatam" statement means end.

While Loop
chai_piyo <condition>
  # statements

For Loop
chai_piyo <variable> in <lower_bound>...<upper_bound>
  # statements

For Loop By Step
chai_piyo <variable> in <lower_bound>...<upper_bound> by <step>
  # statements

Basic Condtions

Looping Constructs

A loop is a control structure that repeats a block of code multiple times until a specified condition is met, enhancing code efficiency and flexibility. Jhethia has many loops famously for, while etc.

The chai-piyo biscuit-khao looping statement is taken right from the show's hilarious dialogue.

Sample Jhethia Programs

Now that we're aware of the syntax and its functioning lets go over some sample code! Below are some programs and their reseponses to depict how cool Jhethia is !

lijiye_baapuji first_value
lijiye_baapuji second_value

ans = first_value / second_value

dekhiye_baapuji "Apka Answer: "+ ans

Jhethia Example

Simple Operations

In this example we've accepted two inputs from the command line. One being first_value and other is second_value.
We are doing a simple division operation and storing the result in ans variable.
Finally we're displaying the result after concatantion with a string.

*** Jai Jinendra ! Nashta Karke Jaana ! ***

enter "first value" >>> 2024
enter "second value" >>> 4
Apka Answer: 506

Jhehtia Example

Simple Operations

Now here we see that we're greeted with a "Jai Jinendra" which is a staple dialogue in Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.

The user inputs the values and then internally the operation is performed
The result is displayed with the appropriate string and value.

*** Jai Jinendra ! Nashta Karke Jaana ! ***

enter "first value" >>> 10
enter "second value" >>> 0
Poblem : Aye Dobiii ! Zero Se Divide Kar Rahi Hai Queen Victoria ?!
Solution : Try With A different Denominator
Exception in thread "main" OperationException()

Jhehtia Example

Exception Handling

Here we see how hilariously an arithmetic exception of division by zero is handled.
The user had input the denominator value as zero and hence exception was thrown.
The Poblem:Solution part is a nod to the intro theme of Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.

Binary Search:
kaam BinarySearch [ arr, n, lo, hi, key ]
  agar hi >= lo
    mid = (hi + lo) // 2
    agar arr{mid} < key
      bhejo binary_search [ arr,n,mid+1,hi,key ]
    yatoh arr{mid} > key
      bhejo binary_search [ arr,n,mid-1,hi,key ]
      bhejo mid
    bhejo - 1

Jhethia Example

Classic Recursive Binary Search

Binary search is a divide-and-conquer algorithm used to find a target value within a sorted array. It compares the target value with the middle element of the array. If they match, the search is successful. If not, it halves the search space by discarding one half, repeating the process until found or deemed absent.

Bubble Sort :
kaam BubbleSort [ arr , n ]
  chai_piyo i in 0..n - 1
    chai_piyo j in 0..n - i - 1
      agar {j + 1} < {j}
        temp = arr{j}
        arr{j} = arr{j + 1}
        arr{j + 1} = temp

Jhethia Example

Classic Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. It's inefficient for large lists but easy to understand and implement.
It continues until no more swaps are needed, indicating that the list is sorted.

How To Run Jhethia?

First and Foremost Clone Jhethia's Repository In Your System.
Then compile and package the program into an Uber jar, go to the ./target folder and then run the following command :

java -cp Jhethia.jar org.prakarshs.JhethiaRun ../src/test/resources/hello_world.jhethia